Life’s Precious Moments come to us at different times or occasions in our lives. What happened yesterday, or happens today or tomorrow matters. We should always keep that in mind. Most of the time they come when we least expect them; not looking for them. Moments to be remembered, treasured kept safe in our hearts and minds. Have you ever experienced precious moments. Every one has. We just don’t slow down to look, think or appreciate.
Life itself is precious, savor it. How many of you have ever actually experienced a sun rise on a beach or out in a country side. Ever really looked at the colors changing as the sun rises or as the sun sets. The combination of colors is extremely amazing. Imagine having this as your canvas with these colors and more, painted with the hand of God.
Life’s Precious Moments
When we are young, we usually live for the moment. Thinking about what we will do as we get older. Close your eyes and just think of all the things you can think of that you could never have imagined. Go back as far as you can recall. Your earliest memory of those special precious moments. Most of the time we don’t think about them or don’t realize it at that particular moment, but still they come.
As a teenager, I couldn’t wait to get to be 18 and then 21. Always thinking of the future, never thinking how or what would happen as I got older. In many cases I was very daring. I suppose you could say that my goals in life were already set pretty much like in stages but I didn’t think of it at the time.
Life’s Precious Moments
Life’s Precious Moments are like stages or chapters. When I was in high school, I had goals to perform and make the All State Band. Working hard, I reached the summit of my climb as I was presented with a medallion and becoming an All Stater, one of the best. College presented other challenges. I was starting another chapter in my book of life. So I did my best to look ahead, never looking back.
Surviving three years in the Big Apple, was something else. Just on an impulse and I was off. I believe, I saw more and experienced more in three years then most people living all their lives there. What was it. I’m not sure, but I just knew I had to go. There I learned to survive; make it on my own.
Coming home, working for an electric company and becoming a lineman climbing poles to change transformers and security lights. Getting married, later our first child, then the second and the third. Special Precious Moments. Receiving a calling to teach. It’s almost like everything was already planned for me. This is what I was destined to become; where I stayed for forty four year.
In Closing
Looking back now I feel life has gone by so fast. Seems like only yesterday. There have been many moments to remember. I call it the Deja Vu syndrome. We keep experiencing over and over Life’s Precious Moments. Life is made up of a lot of these special moments. Moments lost when we start to forget and we miss them. We get stressed with the fast pace of life not realizing how precious it is to be alive, to love. Yes, these are great precious moments to live by when we are open to life’s greatest mysteries. Hold on to them and share with family and friends.