Nutrient Rich Beef / What You Need To Know

All Nutrient Rich Meats / What you need to know. Nutrient Rich Beef is delicious, when prepared the right way. All cuts have similar but different benefits and properties. Nutrient Rich Beef, healthy delights delivered right to your doorstep. With the Holidays right around the corner, it is only fitting to start preparing that Christmas List. Place your orders now so that your Boxes of Meats can arrive right before the Holidays. That’s right, no more anybody packers, feedlots or grocery stores in-between. Here you buy direct.

One of the first things we should ask ourselves when shopping for fresh meats. Are these meat products safe for my family. We all want the best for our loved ones. As a family provider, we want to give the them the best quality food available. That is why when I found out that many or most of the meat products sold in the grocery markets; they are using chemicals injected into the meats. And it is not just meat. This is also in our poultry and other products.

Nutrient Rich Beef / Traditional Tasting Beef

There is nothing in the world better then taking a bite of a nice true tasting steak. When you bite into a piece of nutrient dense beef you experience the original flavor and aroma. The focus is on the rich healthy soil. This can not be greenwashed or faked. When you invest on what nature intended, you are investing in the very best of what is healthy for your family. Investing on the best is an investment like a fine wine. Beef gets better with age. Our beef is sent to the Processor and then directly to you. There is no in-between messing with or adding or injecting anything to the meat.

Nutrient Rich Beef

nutrient rich beef

Nutrient rich beef is a complete protein food. It is a valuable source of several essential nutrients like iron, zinc, selenium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, phosphorus, pantothenate, magnesium, and potassium our body needs. some kind of liquid saltwater solution. USDA says, and it’s usually something high in sodium. Lab grown meat contain cancer cells.

Nutrient Rich Beef / What You Need To Know

Since the 1970’s, Beef Producers have been adding chemicals and water. The process starts with the Ranchers, the Stocker, the Feedlot and then the processor. They claim that it makes the meat tastier. What they are really doing to all of us is, they are slowly killing all of us. According to the USDA, they us some kind of liquid saltwater solution something high in sodium. Lab grown meats contain cancer cells. Bet you didn’t know that. This should be a big concern for all of us.

If you compare a store bought to a nutrient rich steak, you can taste the difference right away. Meats processed with chemicals and water by the wholesaler go to the Supermarket. In each step, the price is raised. By the time the meat you purchase reaches your dinner table, it just doesn’t taste the same. And who pays the price. We do while Corporate Greedy companies rake up the profits. We are living a slow death and killing our loved ones every time we purchase beef, poultry or pork. This is not healthy for you or anyone.

Bottom line, when you consume nutrient rich red meat, you are receiving the benefit of the highest quality beef in the planet. Benefits include:

  1. Reduced high blood pressure
  2. Reduced inflammation
  3. Improved digestion
  4. Balanced Gut-Microbiome
Nutrient rich beef

Firstly, Grass-fed and Grass-finished beef is 20% lower in calories than grain-finished beef. It has higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, CLA’s (Conjugated Linoleic Acid — an essential fatty acid that fights cancer and inhibits body fat), and Vitamins A and E.

Secondly, Grass-fed and Grass-finished beef contains high levels of metabolites and phytonutrients. There are over 26,000 phytonutrients found in plants resulting in a healthy diet.

Thirdly, Flavor profile: Grass-fed and Grass-finished beef is more flavorful to the human palette.

In Conclusion

Over all, the question should be. How much is our health and the health of your family worth? It may cost some more, but on the long run, you are investing in the health of you and your family now and for the future. You should make a Commitment to share food that will only nourish your body, mind, soul; and tastes damn good in the process!