Medicinal Healing Plants

Medical Healing Plants are passed on with the premise that plants heal, but they do it slowly. They must be used with patience and perseverance. Illness comes when man breaks the order of nature, when he eats badly, drinks a lot, stays up late, etc. But like everything, plants have a limit and when the disease is very advanced, it is best to go see your family doctor.

When It Comes to Children

Most important, when it comes to children, and nothing seems to work, take the infant or child to the doctor as soon as possible. Do not think about it. The plants that that are presented here can be taken without any problem – all those that cause disorders, discomfort or that are dangerous, were removed. Each plant has a purpose and it is explained on what to do in each case. There is a special part for children.  It explains what to do in case of risky diseases. I present this information with all respect and with the hope that it be useful.

Medicinal Healing Plants

Medicinal Healing Plants and Herbs can be very beneficial when used and prepared the right way. I want to emphasize that these plants and herbs are not the cure all. They do help to some extent; however, once these remedies are applied, if there are no results, I recommend you see your family doctor.


Something we use almost every day, if you like Spanish, Latin or Asian foods, is the Cilantro. We use cilantro in our Pico de Gallo (chopped onions, tomato, serrano peppers and cilantro) to spice our tacos with, and in our hot sauce (salsa) or meat dishes. 

El Nopal

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El Nopal also known as the prickly pear, also known as Tuna, Sabra from the Nahatl language used by the Aztecs. This is a popular suculant food mostly prepared during Lent. 

Medicinal Healing Plants

Aguacate (Avocado)

We use the Aguacate (Avocado) with our salads, in our pico de gallo. Guacamole or just by itself on a tortilla with a little salt. Umm! My mouth is starting to water. So delicious!!! Some call it our Mexican butter. Did you know that the Aguacate (Avocado) has health benefits?

Anis Verde

Here’s a quick remedy for bad indigestion. The plant is Anis Verde (green). You boil 5 grams of anis verde in a liter of water. Make it into a tea.

SAVILA – Aloe Vera

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Savila, also known as Aloe Vera is a succulent plant. This medicinal plant has many properties. Used for thousands of years for treating sores, but mainly burns, including sunburn, and skin injuries. It also has other uses that can benefit your health. Most of the beneficial compounds in the plant, include vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.

Medicinal Healing Plants

Tejocote, a remedy for obese people. You use the root of the Tejocote, from the Nahuatl language of the Aztecs, meaning “stone fruit”. It is also known as the Mexican Hawthorne. This is native to the mountainous regions of Mexico and Guatemala.

Bugambilia – Bougainvillea

Bugambilia, better known as the Bougainvillea here in the States is but one of many flowers that are not just used to make teas, but the petals are edible. They can be used for healing, in making tea or just eating them in salads regular lunch or dinner dishes.


Canela is Cinnamon, when made into a tea is used as a tonic. In cases of where a person may be feeling fatigued and is anemic due to a thinning of the blood, can make women tired. It can cause fainting. Canela can also be used for indigestion to eliminate gases.

Betabel Known as the Sweet Sugar Beet

The Betabel can also be used when a person is feeling weak and there is thinning of the blood. The Betabel is a great food source.


This plant is very good with all kinds of food. Use it when you have dry skin.

Cola de Caballo

Cola de Caballo is very good for Hydropsia also known as Dropsy, can help a person with water retention and might have edema due to congestive heart failure.