What History Teaches Us / Mistakes of The Past

The 'Declaration of Independence' Created a Country for Immigrants. What  Happened? - Institute for Policy Studies

What History Teaches Us / mistakes of the past. Looks like we haven’t learned the lessons of bygone times. We keep repeating our past over and over again. Minoring in history in college, thinking of things going on in the world today. When we talk about getting along; are we really? Elected representatives and senators in Congress, elected by us. They take an oath when elected.

WE THE PEOPLE, to serve and protect. But it looks as if many of our elected officials are more concerned about themselves then their constituents. Words don’t seem to mean anything. So what have we learned? What have you learned? What are we teaching our youth. Yes, you elected officials. What kind of examples are you teaching your people? Looks like we are drifting away from our Democratic Ideals.

What History Teaches Us

What History Teaches Us – we haven’t learned anything? I wrote a page on Basic Values. One of those values dealt with Respect. There is no respect when you tell your people lies. Respect for our laws and our Constitution. Respect has to be earned; never demanded. We should learn to accept others for who they are. Not hate them or put them down just because of the color of their skin or religion. We tend to forget or ignore the lessons history teaches us. What History Teaches Us? The Hate you give will only be passed on to the next generation. You haven’t learned anything.

The New World

DK Eyewitness Books: Aztec, Inca & Maya: Discover the World of the Aztecs,  Incas, and Mayas their Beliefs, Rituals, and Civilizations: DK:  0690472073208: Amazon.com: Books

The New World, North America, Central America, and South America are referred to as the Americas. All Americans. Yes, technically, this makes us all Americans. Contrary to what others might think. If you are from Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Peru, Guatemala, Yucatan, Mexico, the United States or Canada, history teaches us, we are all Americans. The North American Continent, Hello!!!

Back To 1492

Conquistador - Wikipedia

Going as far back as 1492 and to the present. The Spaniards, what a great opportunity they had. Instead of learning from the Native Americans and trying to get along. They completely destroyed the culture and religion of these people. Trying to impose their will and religion on them. They wanted to conquer and take all the land and gold they could find. They never thought about the people. Looks like that still applies today with our elected officials.

What History Teaches Us – The Only True Americans

Florida's Native American Tribes, History & Culture

What History Teaches Us – Have We Learned Anything. Yes, the only true Americans were the Incas in South America, the Maya in Central America, the Aztecs, Toltecs, Olmecs, Zapotecs and many others in Mexico. In the United States of America there were the Navajo, Apache, Sioux, Mohawk, and many others. These were real Americans. Everyone else is an alien, an immigrant.

New World Emigrants

So, what have we learned. History teaches us that we have forgotten. We ourselves are immigrants. Yes, we are. The English came to the New World to avoid religious persecution, the protestants; only to apply the same hate and persecution to our Native Americans. Our descendents migrated from Europe. In colonizing the “New World”. The English, Spanish and the French did the same thing, killing and stealing lands from the Native Indians. Stealing their lively-hood. In many cases, almost totally annihilating them.

The War of 1812

What History Teaches Us. The climax came in the War of 1812, when major Indian coalitions in the Midwest and the South fought against the United States and lost. Treaties were made and broken; Colonial period (1609 – 1774), East of the Mississippi (1775 – 1842), West of the Mississippi (1811 – 1924). All for territorial expansion. There were many battles and conflicts placing them in reservations in The Indian Removal Act of 1830, away from their lands. Have we not learned anything?

What History Teaches Us – Slavery In The Americas

African American Odyssey: Slavery--The Peculiar Institution (Part 2)

What History Teaches Us – Slavery In The Americas. We also did the same to the black people, with the slave trades, bringing them from Africa. Slavery, not only to America, but to the Caribbean, South and Central America. So, I ask myself, today, have we really learned anything? It appears that through ancient times, we have not been good roll models, not setting good examples for future generations.

Each New Generation Learns

What History Teaches Us is that we haven’t learned anything. Each new generation learns what is pasted on from the fathers. And we wonder why people rebel. I believe now is the time to act through example. We should practice what we preach. Just going to Church on Sunday, is not going to get the job done. What we do today matters. We all need to realize that everyone matters; whether you are black, brown, red, yellow or white. We are all human beings. It’s not about one race. It’s about all of us. WE ALL MATTER.

In Conclusion

History teaches us to be proud of who we are. Respect and teach our children good values, that they may grow up loving and caring for others. Wouldn’t that be nice. We are ONE. Different colors and religions, yes, but one HUMAN RACE. Just something to think about. Food for thought!!!

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