Redesigned Cosmetics – With You In Mind

Redesigned Cosmetics. A new way to look at cosmetics. A cosmetic line redesigned with you in mind. For every thing, there is a time. For every time change, there is a reason. Every time you look around, you will find someone coming up with an idea to make things better. This is one of those moments. Moments that help make things feel and look better. Order now while supplies last.

redesigned cosmetics

Redesigned Cosmetics and Love

Redesigned Cosmetics, Christmas in July, Christmas in Summer. Every day should be like Christmas, with love in the air and the gift of giving. Yes, love is what makes all things go ’round. All things happen when you add a little love. With love anything is possible. With Holidays just around the corner, now is the time to place an order of love for your friends or loved ones. Give the gift of beautiful redesigned makeup. Luxury makeup at an affordable price. A gift you can give to some one as the person receiving it, you.

redesigned cosmetics

Rainbow Balm

Rainbow Balm, Pineapple scented pink lips. A delightful whole new way of looking at this makeup and skincare line. We choose to focus on the joy these products bring to those that allow you to be happy in every way. Our products delight the senses that bring beauty to lovers with happier and healthier products. The spirit of beauty is rooted in play. These products can be tools for self care. With the right chemistry, creative expression as juices flow it can even be a way to make new friendships.

Absolute Wrinkle Correction Cream

While delivering softer, smoother skin, this product stimulates and redefines firmer more radiant skin. A younger looking complexion eliminating the appearance of deepest wrinkles and lines. Hydrating deeply nourishing skin. It delivers the anti-aging benefits of Retinol without any irritating side effects.