Laughter Best Medicine for what ails you. Want to share something that I experienced this past weekend. It has to do with something that we take for granted. You are probably asking yourself what it could be. All these thoughts roaming in the crevices of the mighty grand canyon of our minds. Give up?
I just returned to my hotel room after attending and learning and absorbing information at a conference. There I encountered, what I call “the gathering” where I met many whom I sort of knew online but had never met in person. We met and talked and laughed like you wouldn’t believe. This is something I hadn’t experienced for a very long, long time. I believe you might know by now. You remember those days, don’t you, when we were young and sure to have our way. Nothing seemed to bother us or hold us back. If we heard something funny we would laugh and laugh so hard our stomachs would hurt.
Laughter Best Medicine
I guess you have already figured it out what the Best Medicine for everyone is. Yes, it is LAUGHTER. It appears we have forgotten how to laugh. I recall laughing so hard it hurt. But it made me feel good inside afterwards. Laughter, such a simple thing to do, yet we don’t do it often enough. It should be enjoyed and embraced. You know why it felt good? It felt good because Laughter is the best medicine for our health.
Yes, it is a proven fact. Laughter is the best medicine, yet, like I mentioned before, we seldom go there. This is what brings people together. Did you know that every time we laugh, you actually trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens our well being. It just makes you feel good inside. I suppose you could also say that is why people that laugh and are always more cheerful experience a healthier life. This is powerful medicine. Laughter brings people together like you wouldn’t imagine.
Laughter Best Medicine
There are many benefits of laughter that can be attributed to making our immune system stronger as our pain seems to disappear and our mood improves keeping us from the effects of stress. Laughter has been known to give us hope when we come together. We are more focused and alert and all of a sudden anger goes away. And the best thing about laughter, you want to know what it is? The best thing is that it is FREE. It doesn’t cost you a penny. That’s right, FREE OF CHARGE, no taxes, no nothing. Wow, Awesome Dude!!!
We should do our best to enjoy life and laugh more often, improving our emotional health and patching up stronger relationships with others. I suppose you could say, this is another form of “the fountain of youth”. Laughter can add more years to your life and it’s so cheap.
Almost forgot to mention other reasons laughter helps us. It relaxes you when you laugh, and releases stress and tension. This is very good for you. You could also say that this is truly the elixir of life. It protects the heart by helping our blood flow and it’s functions which contribute to protection from heart attacks.
In Conclusion
Bottom line, laughter wins hands down. Having a great sense of humor, always trying to make people laugh, contributes to living longer. I know. I have experienced it. So stay mentally healthy my friends. Just let it all hang out and be yourselves and laugh. You know the old saying, “Practice makes perfect”. The more you practice it, the better you get at it. I leave you by saying, there’s nothing like a joke to break the ice. So, relax and feel recharged and full of energy. Take a COUPLE OF SNAPS a day. Believe me. You’ll be glad you did!!!