Dream Bigger, a higher dimension. Ever since I can remember, I have been told to set goals, to aim high, to better myself. Goals are related to our dreams. Did you know that? Your goals are thoughts. Some of those thoughts appear in our dreams. But what does this mean? Especially when you have no role model. Some one to guide you, to show you the way. Some one that has made it and you have been there to experience this transformation from barely making it to really enjoying life and not worry about tomorrow.
Since birth, we are told that certain goals are hard or unachievable. It’s engraved in our minds. Without realizing it, we are brain washed, as we grow up. Even though we are encouraged to achieve, we are held back. You will never make it if you take that road. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t get involved.
So why try? These are just a few of the challenges we face in the different stages of life as we are growing up. So we continue on our journey until we come to a cross-roads. The questions appear in our minds. We dream and ask, why can’t I do this or that and have a better life.
Dream Bigger
Part of the answer lies in how we feel. How we were brought up. All of us are from different cultures, different beliefs, religions and hopefully good moral values. We have been dreaming most of our lives, but never really realizing that with a little organization, these dreams or goals can be achieved. We deserve to live better, to travel, to dress and look better and eat the best foods.
Everyone deserves this. God made us in his own image. He didn’t put us here to fail and live the way some of us do. We have a choice. You’ve heard the phrase, God helps those that help themselves. That means that If you make an effort every day and don’t stop, put in the hard work, you will achieve your dreams. Well, what’s holding you back?
One of the main things in dreaming bigger is believing in yourself. It is not enough to say or dream big. You should be confident in yourself and over come your fear of failing. I believe that this is the main problem with many of us. We are afraid of failure. We are not confident in ourselves. Because of this fear of failure, we have already failed.
Dream Bigger
So what are we afraid of? We talk about wanting to be successful and achieve our goals or dreams, yet we seem to not quite get there. We, you, me, all of us need to commit to this dream and make it a reality. If it is true that we are in control of our own destiny and life, what’s holding us back. Remember, God gave us life to make our own decisions. He gave us free will to do good or bad, to go up or down. Yes, you will make mistakes and fail along the way, but with each failure you should be learning of what to do or not to do. The choices we make. Think about it.
If you are going to dream big, you will need a big imagination. You have to picture in your mind what it is that you want and really, really dream bigger. Set your mind to think of nothing but what you desire. You must eat, drink, talk and sleep Dream Bigger 24 -7 every day. How badly do you want it. That’s what it is going to take.
Dream Big
Once you have done this, you need to forget all of your small dreams and focus on these bigger then life dreams. You deserve it. What really matters to you. What is it that you are feeling and really mean. Because if you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there, you will never fulfill your dream. There has to be a reason, a WHY!!! Why do you want this and how bad do you want it.
Remember I said goals are related to our dreams, well yes. Dreaming Bigger requires Goals that are effective. Once your goals are set you need to take action. Put you thoughts where your mouth is. Taking action and you need to plan ahead in the event that things might not go exactly as planned. Have a plan B. Make your adjustments and take off from there and never look back, only forward.
In Conclusion
As you go along, you will encounter success. And you will encounter roadblocks along the way. These road blocks can and in some cases slow you down before you even know what is ahead of you in reaching your dreams. Try to concentrate on enjoying the moment of what is happening along the way. You are no longer the same person you were when you first began. Your way of thinking, your mindset has changed. You now have a more positive way of looking at life. “Mahalo”, ‘Honu’, Thank you, Good luck!!!