
Homeschooling, why do we need it? This is nothing new. Home schooling has been here with us for many years. Actually, more like thousands of years. Here in the United States, homeschooling goes back to the Colonial period. Students taught by their parents or older siblings. It has been that way for centuries. Homeschooling almost died until the 1970’s. Today, the Pandemic corona virus and now many more strains of this viral killer, as well as shooting in schools and colleges, are the reasons for contemplating alternative ways to educate our children.

Homeschooling / How Does It Work?

One of the main reasons for parents wanting to educate their own children is the curriculum in the public schools. The educational system is a mess. Everything has to be same for everybody in all grades. There is no freedom or flexibility if a student learns faster then others. Students held back because of the slower ones. Here in Texas, teachers no longer teach the course so much then to teach the test. The ACT and the SAT. They are preparing students for failure. This is why a large percentage of students fail their during their first semester in college every year. Students not prepared for higher education and have to take remedial courses. Stuff they should have learned in their public schools. Homeschooling parent-directed education.

Benefits of Homeschooling

Firstly, parent-directed education from the comfort of their own home. There are many reasons families might choose to homeschool their kids. Freedom is usually at the top of the list. Secondly, academic flexibility, meeting current needs now are the parent choice of pace and approach. They feel safer in the warmth of their family environment. Involved in community activities. Most importantly students receive more meaningful learning and time for the stuff many schools cut out of the curriculum, including moral values. Students are not harassed at home. Many students live in negative environment. Public schools supposed to be safe. With all the shootings going on almost every day, it’s no wonder many students don’t want to continue their education. They don’t feel safe.

Are Homeschoolers More Successful?

Homeschooled students are more likely to go to college,. Statistics show that homeschooled students outperform public-schooled students in college and on the job. They score 15% to 30% higher points above public school students on standardized ACT and SAT tests for academic achievement. On peer review studies 69% homeschooled students show more substantial achievement result. Thirdly, homebased educated students, excel in life. Higher academic success in college. Consequently, they view the college experience on a more positive note. More then traditionally educated students and a higher college graduation rate.

In Conclusion

Homeschooling works well. This is not just something we came up with. Nations all over the world have homeschooled students. Mostly, they have been doing it for many years. Recognized as a comprehensive form of education. Homeschooling private, not tax-funded is increasingly popular.