Love Is Eternal

Love is eternal. What does that mean? To me it means it’s there forever. Always there, never ending. Always has been, always will be. Kind of hard to believe, right? One cannot imagine or fathom the enormity of this statement. You have to experience it for real I suppose. There are those few that have had near death experiences. They tell us, the love is there. You feel it. They tell you what they felt. So much love, it’s hard to explain unless you have been through it.

There are many different types of love. Love for a person, love for your country, love for your favorite food. There are many forms of love. But what do we really mean when we say Love Is Eternal? I guess we can say that God’s Love Is Eternal. Yes, I believe we can truly say that.

Love Is Eternal

There’s love of country, like the people in Ukraine. It’s kind of hard to explain to those that have not experienced it. Here in our United States, outside of 911 we have never really had to be in a situation where an enemy attacks us and our loyalty is questioned. I don’t believe everyone here would go to war to defend our country like the people in Ukraine.

I don’t see that happening, because we are too much into ourselves. Not thinking about our country or people. At least, I don’t think that. Maybe I’m wrong. From my observation, we appear to be too wrapped up in our own little worlds. We don’t have time for anything else. There used to be men and women like that. They were willing to go the extra mile for what they believed in. This is something that should be taught, passed on from father to son. Today not so much any more. Somewhere along the way we seem to have lost the foundation of respect and how societies flourish.

The biggest problem facing our society today is not the economic growth. It’s the lack of respect for one another. It’s all around us, yet we don’t see it. Respect is the most important ingredient of what makes us tick in our society. Some rely on respect for the rules, for the order of things; others are founded on respect for each other, for our fellow citizens.

Love Is Eternal Respect

Aretha Franklin known as the Queen of Soul, hit the nail on the head with her song “R.E.S.P.E.C.T.”. Respect, this is something we don’t practice very often or are so busy that it doesn’t even register in our minds. We, as members of the human race should practice these seven letters. They are the super glue that makes it work; that keeps us together. We should show respect for oneself. Show how we see ourselves and how we want to be seen by others.

Love Is Eternal Footsteps

The picture of footsteps in the sand by a seashore speaks for itself. All those times you saw or have seen footsteps. You might have thought that those were your footsteps. Guess what, they were not your footsteps. They were Jesus’ footsteps carrying us on his back during all the hard times we have been through. Every time we drift away. He has always been there. He never leaves us, never wavering. His Love is Eternal. Respect and love. Get the picture? Food for thought!!!

If you follow the teachings of the Bible where it talks about love for the word of God, you should also talk about becoming saviors. Don’t just read about it, act and do something. That is why He died for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day, that we might live. Bottom line, no matter what you or others think, God’s love is eternal. It’s always there. Always has been and will be, pure and simple. His love is never ending.

Finally In Closing

So love one another. Always be willing to give a helping hand, especially for those most in need. Love happens or begins with RESPECT. Remember, love lives in all of us. It is engraved in our hearts. That is why a happy heart is a healthy heart, but only if practiced. Like the song says, “Love Is In The Air”. It’s there whether we like it or not. Love is always there. It never goes away and as you work on it, stop and look for a while as you witness all those hearts blossoming all around you like a gorgeous bouquet of roses. Always be aware of the many different types of chemical reactions all around you that help you feel this way. This is AWESOME!!! Can you imagine it? Can you see it? Peace and Love.