On Yelling! I am addressing this because this is something a large percentage of adults and children go through in many households. Constant yelling on a daily basis changes the mind, brain and body in many ways. It causes or increases the activity of the amygdala (the emotional brain). It affects hormones in the blood stream, increase stress as well as muscular tension to name a few. This is like being in a war zone and coming back with PTSD (Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder). The truth is that no one should have to live like this. It’s just not right.
When you combine all of this unregulated, or uncontrolled anger and hostility, it can be extremely harmful for your heart. I’m sure many of us have experienced moments of constant badgering; talking loudly, shouting, insulting, throwing things, or becoming physically violent. All this can cause a lot of damage to your cardiac health.
Being Yelled At Is Like Brain Washing
Being yelled at can be compared to like brain washing. To the point where a person can significantly and permanently alter or change the structure of the brain. It can also lead to depression or anxiety.
Being yelled at by your spouse, man or woman, has been known to cause fear. This makes it very difficult to function or think when you are in a state of fear.
On Yelling
Many of us actually live in denial. They don’t think that it could happen to them. Truth is that at one point or another it’s going to happen or probably has happened already. Constant yelling or screaming is a form of domestic violence. Like verbal abuse or emotional abuse or both in some cases. No one should live or have to live like this.
What Happens When Parents Yell Too Much?
When parents are constantly at each other’s throats; the children can end up with long-term effects, anxiety, low self-esteem and increased aggression. Parents are supposed to be the roll models. What are we teaching our children. They are relying on the parent for learning. If there is always shouting and yelling, the child sees this as something normal. They experience this kind of behavior and in the end their behavior will reflect that.
In Closing
So, what can we do if this happens in your home, and like I said, it probably already has happened. If someone has a panic attack and becomes completely irrational; the individual isn’t thinking clearly. Telling him or her to calm down can be taken as if you are patronizing and can make things worse. Yelling should not be the first resort.
The best thing to do when this happens and the yelling starts; just be there and listen. Overall, no matter what you say will help, but you can come across being more supportive. Be willing to listen and offer your time to the individual. Doing this, showing you care, I believe, can mean more then you can imagine. Stop yelling and start connecting. Let there be peace and harmony and let’s start listening to each other.