Stages In Life. In contemplating on what I have done up to now with my life, I find myself thinking of all decisions made in the past. Some were good, many not so good. We, at times, tend to listen to those that usually give advise that is not in our best interest. Consequently, mistakes are made. But that is in the past. That is history now, as I used to tell myself as each day ended and I was going home from work. Today is now history. It is a part of my past, what I did or didn’t do. They are now just memories.
We all go through stages in life. From the moment we are born, our history is being written, somewhere. Either here or in heaven or both. We grow up, go to school, go to college, meet some one special and marry. Somewhere along the way, work is involved. And the years go by as we see our families grow. These are all stages in life we go through. Until we come to a point in life and stop and think. Where did all the years go by. My children were just babies a while ago and now are all grown up. Amazing how time flies. News Flash, Time stands still for no one.
Stages In Life
So I find myself at an impasse, a crossroads, not quite sure of what road to take. I came across a quote that read, “Each new day is like a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can”. Douglas Pagels
Meaning, I am the only one that can make this blank page come to life. As each day begins and I wake up, my blank page begins to come to life. My actions, my decisions of every daily routine, whether planned or not, begins to come alive. What I do today is the first day of the rest of my life. I thought I was doing find, but never really thought about my life like a book. Yet, when you think about it, that’s exactly what it is. Every day that goes by is like a page being turned as it becomes history. Our history, my history. Wow!!! Mind blowing!!!
New Year’s Resolutions
Every year on New Year’s Day, we make resolutions as to what we will do to better our lives. But do we follow through and make these resolutions a reality. Most of them lie by the way side as each day goes by and we tend to forget. Before you know it, we are right back where we were yesterday and all the other days before. Part of the problem is that many times our emotions take control of our lives. No improvements are made, we are surrounded by negative elements from the time we are born and we end up feeling stressed out, angry and depressed. No life, no happiness, hatred, and sadness sets in.
Light At The End of The Tunnel
However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You, me, everybody are not limited to the past. What is in your heart. Surely you have wanted to do things in the past but you didn’t think you could do anything. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Forget the past. Don’t dwell in it. The only important thing is the present and what comes tomorrow. What ever you have been wanting to do, do it. You should do what makes you happy. You deserve to be happy, to live a better life. This is not a rehearsal where you try something and check out to see if it works. This is real life, we are truly living it and we need to take whole of the reins and go forward. Today, the present and the future are ahead. Remember, life is too short to be wasting it away. You are the author of this book of life. You get to write this book. Wow, Awesome Dude!!!
Stages In Life / Infinite Freedom
Once you realize control of this infinite freedom, you can truly say this is the first day of the rest of your life. The time to act is now. Remember, Life is a Journey and only you hold the map with directions on where you are going. By doing this every day, setting new goals on this Blank Sheet of paper, you are reassuring and restating new goals and decisions for a more healthier and successful life.
This can only mean you are Re-Setting, Re-Focusing and Re-Committing these new ideas and opportunities in order to fulfill your Dreams. The idea is to never give up. Never stop trying. Nobody is perfect. Mistakes are made along the way. In this Brave New World there are no limitations. You can make a new start every day. So, start writing a new page every day. You are not limited to your past. If you really so want to do something, you can do it no matter what. It can happen if you put in the effort. For with your effort and God’s help, anything is possible. Do what is in your heart. Do what is right. Now is the time my friends for The Times They Are A Changing. Make it happen. Mahalo!!!